Wigglebutt Wednesday: Yes = No

Have I mentioned lately that canine camaraderie and knitting are mutually exclusive?

Especially at our house. With our Labs.

Last week I posted that I’m trying to complete a 10-for-10 knitting plan: 10 knitting projects in 10 months. That’s all well and good. But here’s what happened when I sat down to try to knit today:

Continue reading Wigglebutt Wednesday: Yes = No

Wigglebutt Wednesday: Connection

[Warning: Serious post ahead.]

I love animals. My family loves animals. Most people I know (with a few exceptions) love animals. Yet somehow I missed how common the connection is between humans and beasts, that is, until recently. Or maybe I just never thought about it before.


Continue reading Wigglebutt Wednesday: Connection

Wigglebutt Wednesday: Merlin

Six Labs
L to R: Kenya, Elsie, Tuc, Ridge, Pinot, Chessie

Long time LabTails readers know that DH and I love Labrador retrievers. Over our 37 years of wedded bliss, we’ve enjoyed the faithful companionship of nine Labs: Stoney (black), Strider (yellow), Baxter (black), Ridge (fox red yellow), Elsie (cream yellow), Kenya (black), Pinot (fox red yellow), Tuc (black), and Chessie (chocolate). The last six Labs from that list are pictured here. And with the exception of Ridge, who came to us as a four-year-old, all of our Labs joined our family as either seven-or-eight-week-old pups or as fresh-from-their-mommas’-wombs neophytes dropped during whelping into our waiting gloved hands.

We love Labs.

How in the world did we end up with Merlin, the non-Lab, then?


Continue reading Wigglebutt Wednesday: Merlin

Friday’s Smile

Okay, so the proposed Friday Funny feature turned out to be more than I could handle.  Ack!

What can I say? I’m a wimp.

Here’s the thing: I may find funny things about which to write nearly every day, and I can find them just about anywhere, but what I think is funny may not be what you think is funny. Humor is quirky that way. Last week’s happy idea of The Friday Funny morphed, in my mind, into a writer-blocking, ear-chirping Godzilla chanting, the Friday Funny must be rib-tickling, knee-slapping, guffaw-inducing, make-’em-laugh-’til-they-snort hilarious, or you’re done. My anxiety whispered that whatever I wrote had to be stand-up-comedian funny. Johnny Carson funny.  Mrs. Maizel funny.  Or I’d fail.

No pressure, eh?  So…

Continue reading Friday’s Smile